SASKIA has found her furrytail ending!
This is the self-assured face of a girl who's confident that her foster family cannot resist her. This is the cheeky expression of a dog...

BANSHEE has found her furrytail ending!!
Banshee came to us in a bit of a mess with skin, ear and eye infections. With some help from our vets and TLC from her foster family,...

ATARI has found her furrytail ending!!
As you would all know, in addition to the breeds that we are known for rehoming, we also rescue crosses of those breeds from pounds where...

TIMON has found his furrytail ending!!
Foster parents, Kaycee & Damien decided that they couldn't part with Timon (who was named after the wise-cracking, talkative meerkat from...

GRAVY has found his furrytail ending!
First cab off the rank for October adoptions is our big unit, Gravy. Simply put, this guys is really something special - a true gentle...

MIYAH has found her furrytail ending!
Our final adoption for the month of September was Miyah. Our sweet girl loves the company of her people and prefers them to be home a...

FLICKA has found her furrytail ending!
September was definitely the month of the foster-failure, with the lovely Flicka joining the ranks as yet another lucky SHAMROQ dog who...

PUMBA (now Portland) has found his furrytail ending!
We realise that #3 foster failure for the month may disappoint some people, since puppies are rare in our rescue. Yes, Pumba would have...

DAMON has found his furrytail ending!
Foster failure # 2 for September is our lovely senior gent, Damon! Although foster failure is a common term to illustrate that the...

LUELLA has found her furrytail ending!
Add another dog to the list of foster-failures. Luella has decided that she's staying put with foster Mum, Bobbie. Happy furrytail...