HUSTLER has found his furrytail ending!
As we suspected, Hustler has decided to stay put with the Vejins family and their Husky, Harry, who have been fostering him! This is a...

LUDO has found his furrytail ending!
Ludo was another one who settled himself into a foster home, only to decide that it should be his final destination! Jennie and her...

KYA has found her furrytail ending!
Before we say goodbye to October, we have a few more happy announcements to make, the first of which involves our lovely Akita lady, Kya....

KURT has found his furrytail ending!
We just had to squeeze in a foster-failure before October ends! When ginger Ninja, Kurt arrived at foster Mum, Teresa's place, she was...

SKY has found his furrytail ending!
When Sky came to us almost a year and a half ago, we knew that some work would be required. The pound passed on the information from his...

CAMILLA has found her furrytail ending!s
Have you guys noticed just how many foster-failures (or what we like to think of as foster-successes!) we facilitate here at SHAMROQ? ...

KOBE has found his furrytail ending!
When Ben & Hayley put up their hands to foster Kobe to save his bacon after he found himself at risk in a regional pound, we're not sure...

LOGI has found her furrytail ending!
Who could resist this face? Not Logi's foster carers, Jess & Kerrin, that's for sure! This lucky little girl has well and truly settled...

MYSHKA has found her furrytail ending!
When Louise & Bruce recently lost their most senior Husky boy, Dante, they were concerned about how their remaining boy, Kodi, might cope...

SHADY (now Shadow) has found his furrytail ending!
It was no surprise to us that Shady, now Shadow, charmed his foster carers with those crazy eyes of his! Congrats to Josh & Catt on...