AMAROK (now Amaroq) has found his furrytail ending!

Amarok was your typical Husky handful, an example of the story we see so often...a dog likely bought for his striking good looks and then allowed to run amok with no training. Ironically, he was probably then not reclaimed from the pound by his owners because he was difficult to handle! Who on earth would we adopt a dog like that to, you ask? The answer is: experienced Husky parents!
Enter Stewart & Kim and their delightful Husky girl, Saphira. Although grieving the sudden, tragic loss of Saphira's brother, Hunter after a short illness, the family knew that they had enough love in their hearts to welcome another friend for her. When they met Amarok, it was apparent that he was the one for them. So with a tweak in spelling, he became Amaroq, the newest member of the Bailey family. He's settling in beautifully and responding well to the training that he's being given. And Saphira is back to being a happy, playful girl now that she has canine company again.
Amaroq's time with SHAMROQ was sponsored by Team Subi in honour of their deeply missed pack member, Miss Chompey. Chompey has been the lucky charm for many of our dogs looking for new homes this year. She was a real character and we're grateful that our dogs have a cheeky guardian angel watching over them from Rainbow Bridge. Thank you Jace & Kas for helping our dogs in Miss Chompey's memory. Of course, Amaroq's happily ever after would not have been possible without his wonderful foster family. Nicky, Darryl and their girls did a spectacular job of starting off Amaroq's training in a loving family environment and we are thrilled to see this continue in his new home.
Happy furrytail ending, Amaroq!

If you know anything about Inuit legends, you’ll be aware that Amarok is the name for a gigantic mythical wolf. Awe-inspiring, mysterious and majestic, an Amarok is not part of a regular wolf pack, he hunts alone… Me, on the other hand…nah, I’m just a happy clown, an energetic goof!
Have you caught your breath yet, after being knocked out by my striking looks? Good, now let’s focus on what’s really important….the inner me. Typical of my breed in every way, I’m a guy who would do best with someone who has Husky experience and is therefore used to having a strong-willed and stubborn companion. I need an owner who can instil in me some manners and obedience. (Ha! Can you believe that I mentioned Husky and obedience in the same breath? I kill me lol!) My foster family has begun the task for you, teaching me to sit and wait for food and to shake. Food is my main motivator so feel free to use that to train me. My on-lead manners will need more work, as I’m strong as an ox and hadn’t ever been walked prior to being rescued, so I still have lots to learn.
I need an active owner – one who can keep up with me. As well as daily walks, I’m a sucker for games like tag and hide and go seek, but having another dog for company may help me to expend this energy. I came into the pound with a female Husky and I admit that I liked having a girl around to play with. I haven’t been around small dogs or cats, but I was implicated in an…ahem…alleged chicken massacre, so it’s safe to say that my prey drive is at typically Sibe high level. Any kids in my new home should be aged 12+ as I’m a boisterous young fellow, who jumps up when excited. 5ft fencing will be of sufficient height to keep me safely in the yard. I haven’t done too much digging, but I’m a slippery little sucker who might take advantage of a gap in your fences to shimmy through. I’m happy to hang out in the yard with your other dog/s, alternating between zooming around and sunning myself. Raised as an outside dog, I’ll need your help with housetraining if you’d like an inside companion.