ZORA has found her furrytail ending!

Zora was incredibly popular and there was much deliberation over which family would be the best match for her. In the end, despite all the tough competition, we just had to let Zora herself decide.
When she met fellow Malamute, Chrono, it was immediately obvious that she had found her soulmate. Chrono's Mum & Dad, Mel & Harley, were smitten with Zora as well and it was a...pparent that she had been the missing piece of their family jigsaw puzzle. Although they were still grieving the loss of their Husky girl, Poppy, seeing Chrono & Zora getting on like a house on fire warmed their hearts, and ours. A perfect match had undoubtedly been made. Much gratitude goes out to Zora's foster parents, Joe & Vanessa, who did a wonderful job of looking after her and helped us in the difficult process of choosing the most well-suited family for her. Congratulations to Mel, Harley & Chrono on the beautiful new addition to their household.
Happy furrytail ending, Zora!

Hey, Hi, Hello….. hang on a sec while I climb up into that spare spot on your lap so we can have a chat. Yup I am a Malamate, but lucky for you I am a small compact version, cos otherwise I might not fit up here sitting pretty much on you. Because you see that is my favourite spot in the world, and who wouldn’t want some of this cuddlebug lovin… For this reason, I am best suited to a home without any children younger than school age. I love all people and won’t ever hurt them intentionally, but my need to be close might be a little much for the small ones. I will however need a doggy companion, preferably a medium to large male and one that will play with me, lots, or I will go find something else to play with. Perhaps something you might not want me to have. I am still a puppy as far as I am concerned! Playing sure is fun, and so is chasing stuff; especially stuff that runs fast, like lizards, geckos and pocket pets. So I think maybe if you have any of these in the family already, it might be too much temptation for me, even if they are separate and I can see them, I will want to try get to them to “play”, if you get my drift.
I may be compact, but I am still a Malamute all over. Being young, my obedience training is in it’s very early stages, so I am to be moulded with some of your time, patience and most of all, treats! Like most arctics, I have no recall and so can only be let offlead in safe, fenced areas. At home, secure fences of over 5ft, with no large gaps underneath should keep me safe and well. I am young and active, and this pretty little head of mine does go into overdrive. So you must realise that I will need at least one walk per day and the energetic doggy mate I spoke about, to keep me company and entertained. I should not be left with access to anything that you might not like remodelled, if you aren’t there to supervise me. I am content with you in the house when you are at home, but will retreat to my bed outside to sleep. My biggest wish is a family that will include me in everyday life – car rides, park trips, holidays – you name it, I will be there on your lap to join in the fun!