KELSEIGH has found her furrytail ending!

Little Kelseigh was a tough one for her foster family to part with. Some dogs just wriggle their way into your heart without you even noticing! However, the Butner-Johnson clan are old hands at this fostering gig and have managed to graciously pass many foster dogs over to their new families. (They may have also kept a couple of their foster dogs, but hey, haven't we all?)... So Kelseigh went off to her forever home with Danny and his Lab x Shepherd boy, Archie. Congratulations to Danny and thank you again to Kelseigh's wonderful foster family, who never hesitate to help us out - usually with multiple dogs simultaneously!
Happy furrytail ending, Kelseigh!

I’m not too sure what you could call me. An Alusky? A Huskamute? A Malusky? Meh, who cares, it’s only a label, right? And you can’t choose who your parents are! But what I am is an even mix of the 2 breeds. What you definitely can call me though, is Kelseigh. Or Kels to my friends. Like a malamute, I love my people. Love to lay by their side, especially when those pesky storms are about. I like to be with humans as much as I possibly can and am housetrained to be able to spend time with you inside and out. I have been living with some teenage skin kids who keep me active and entertained. I would be quite happy with any kids that are school age or older, only because in my excitement I can be a little rough and tumble sometimes. I love my food and it’s a big motivator to continue with my training, but I will tell all the neighbours when it’s food time. Being such a foodie, I will have to have my own space to enjoy it all to myself at meal time.
Like a husky, I am full of beans and have energy to burn! I love to play with my doggie mates, and zoomies are the best. I will need a doggy companion to keep me happy. Preferably male, but I could settle for a like-minded female if we have a few gentle introductions first. I’ve not been around any small dogs or pocket pets, so we won’t tempt fate there. With all this pent up energy, I will need an active family who will include me in everyday life. You will need to be dedicated to taking me walking often, letting me join you for car rides and be committed to carrying on with my training and help mould me into the perfect canine citizen. Being a young ‘un, I still have lots to learn.