TANZY has found her furrytail ending!!

StartFragmentCongratulations to Tanzy who has found her forever family with Brendon, Katie and their Malamute x Shepherd boy, Bolt.
Our heartfelt thanks go to foster Mum, Chloe and her family who gave this lovely lady the TLC and healing that she needed after arriving in such poor condition.
Happy furrytail ending, Tanzy!

StartFragmentHi, I’m Tanzy, pleased to meet you. After a bit of a rough patch, I have bounced back and am on the search for my perfect forever family. A crucial part of that search is that my new family learns a little bit about me and decides that I am just the right new fur-child for them. So let me spell it out for you: T is for Tenacious. I know what I want and I won’t leave you guessing as to what that is. Most of the time what I want is to be where you are. I have just learnt what this inside dog caper is all about, and I like it! I am currently living with another dog and I enjoy having a fur brother. Play time is fun, but I also need a friend who knows when I have had enough and won’t bug me about it. If my new family has a dog already, they will need to be at least medium in size and preferably male. No small dogs, cats or pocket pets please. A is for Affectionate. You got hugs and tummy rubs? Cos I will take them by the bucket load. I am friendly with people of all ages, from the little ones to the older ones. I can tend to be a little excitable with new people, so supervision is always recommended. If I were to have a new family who didn’t have canine company for me, that would be ok as long as you are home with me more often than not. N is for Normal. If you know the Malamute breed, then you will know we typically need secure 5ft fences and we can’t be trusted off lead in unfenced areas. If I am to share my home with another dog, we will also need to be fed separately so there is nothing to argue over. All standard Malamute 101. Z is for Zealous. I think you have got the gist by now that I am a girl devoted to my family. My foster family has given me a new start at life and I am taking it with both paws! And this is where you come in….. Y is for Yes Please!EndFragment