GYPSY & CRUZE have found their furrytail ending!

Congratulations to Wade, Lisa & kids on adding this dynamic duo of half-siblings to their family.
Happy furrytail ending, Gypsy & Cruze!

Like the Osmonds or Angus & Julia Stone, we just happen to be a brother-and-sister duo. If we tell you our names, will you imagine them up in neon lights? Drumroll please…we are…Gypsy & Cruze! Catchy, huh? We harmonise together and love to sing along to the backing track of sirens going past. Aroooooooooooo!!!!! Humans are our favourite audience and being the extremely affectionate creatures that we are, we just adore our fans and love spending as much time with them as possible. All-ages shows are OK with us too. You see, we have been around small children and don’t mind them at all. However, constant supervision with littlies is necessary, because we have no clue how big and strong we are, especially when we jump up for hugs.
You’ll be pleased to know that it hasn’t crossed our minds to jump fences though, so secure 5ft fencing will be sufficient. As far as other animals go, we won’t share the spotlight. You see, there’s only one headlining act in this show and that’s us, so we’ll need to steer clear of dog parks and the like. Content with our own company, we’re just not keen to have other dogs or cats around. But hey, why would you need any other animals in your life when you have us to entertain you? We feel like we’re really on the verge of making it big. We’ve already had some basic obedience training, having mastered the commands of sit and drop and also housetraining, of course. How else are we going to be invited to perform in all the stadiums we dream of if we don’t have manners? We just hope that there’s a tour bus, because we loooooove road trips! Our favourite mode of transport though? Our feet. We’re getting an hour’s exercise daily at present, which is plenty. With a powerful combined weight of 88kgs, we’d highly recommend that you get yourself a walking belt to make our daily strolls a breeze. Some enrichment for our minds will also help to wear us out mentally, which is always a good thing.