RIFLE has found his furrytail ending!!

The pound can be a tough place for a dog. No matter how caring the staff are, it's not exactly a natural environment and dogs can sometimes act differently to how they would in a home. Rifle didn't do well in all his tests with other dogs and we were initially looking for a foster home where he could be the one and only. Unfortunately, foster homes without other dogs are quite rare and he waited in the pound for a very long time while we searched for somewhere suitable for him to stay.
When his mental wellbeing began to decline in that environment and there was talk of ending his suffering, our search for a foster home became desperate. Despite the information given that he wasn't good with other dogs, Scott & Jeff kindly offered to try him with their senior Husky girl, Sasha, as a last resort. You could have knocked us down with a feather when the two dogs met and it didn't go pear-shaped! (We worked out later that our Rifle is a bit of a breed snob and really only wants to hang out with other Arctics!)
Sasha was a little down in the dumps after losing her mate of many years, Bullet. Rifle proced again and again that he was the loveliest, smoochiest boy and didn't even react when Sasha got the grumps and didn't want to play. After many months though, the two of them grew closer...until it became evident that Rifle was staying put. Scott admitted that they'd been talking about foster-failing since the second week!
We couldn't be happier with Rifle's choice of family. It's our belief that Bullet would approve of Scott, Jeff and Sasha's hearts receiving a little healing. With the coincidence of their names, could it be possible that Bullet sent Rifle their way? We think so.
Happy furrytail ending, Rifle!

*BANG* ha ha got ya! Get it...Rifle? Yeah yeah okay anyways, let's get down to the nitty gritty of what I'm doing here and that is looking for my new people. Who wouldn't want that job? Just check out these puppy dog eyes and the champion head tilting!
I recently found myself in a shelter and it got me all wound up - I had no idea what was going on. So I shut down a bit and wasn't interested in making friends. I just wanted to keep my nose clean, do my time and get outta there. So the shelter people thought I didn't like other dogs. Well, let me tell you, on the outside I'm a different guy! I do like to keep to my own type though when it comes to groups of mates I choose to hang out with.
I currently live with a female Husky. She's a bit older than me and doesn't play as much as I do. Ideally I'd like another Husky or arctic type of dog to live with who can handle my chest bumping and Husky play but is also happy to chill on the lounge in front of a bit of Netflix.
I met a bull breed dog on the street one day and he just rubbed me the wrong way from the get go...those guys get my back up! Oh and cats - I never much liked them either. They're just askin' for a good chasin'! Us Huskies get a bad rap for being escape artist - and look, some of us do have some ninja-like talents - but I ain't one of 'em. Of course I need secure fences to keep me safely in the yard but they only need to be about 5ft or so in height as this physique isn't made for jumping or climbing things!
As you can tell I have some love handles and the ladies love it. I'm the best of both worlds - a man's man and a lover of the ladies. People in general - otherwise known as keepers of the treats and walk masters - are the centre of my world. The more time we can hang out together, the better, I say. I enjoy a good stroll as many times a week as I can and will quite happily play backseat driver whenever you need to go somewhere in the car. Of course we all have our little flaws and bad habits and mine is getting a bit mouthy if I don't want to do something. Brushing time is a prime example! I'm all noise and purely mouthing but for this reason I won't be suitable in a home with any young or primary school aged children.
There's probably a lot more that I could tell you about myself but we can chat about that later if you want to meet me. Chatting is something I'm quite good at!