BAMBOO has found her furrytail ending!!

Foster-failure is very common and we don't consider it a failure at all! Felicity & Rohan and their Malamute boy, Kyrie cared for Bamboo for quite a while before coming to the conclusion that she'd become one of the family.
Happy furrytail ending, Bamboo!

Strong, resilient, versatile and can get a bit ratty – yup that is Bamboo! And it sounds just like me! If you haven’t cottoned on yet, my name is Bamboo. I am one sweet little puppy who is here to brighten up your day. Lucky for you, I am on the lookout for my very own happy furever after family and you might just be my chosen ones. What is it that you need to be my people you ask? Well, being a puppy I am quite mouldable and have much to learn. Sometimes though genetics are just too strong to beat. An example of this are my paws of mass destruction. Yes, even at this tender young age I have learnt that if I tunnel out under the fence there is a whole big wide world out there to play in. For this reason, you will need secure fences that I can’t squeeze out and dig under and that are 5ft or higher and secure. I have been living with a Husky big sister and let me tell you, she can not keep up with my zoomies and play time. She tries but I would love a furbrother or sister who likes to play tug of war and tiggy. At this tender age I might even be able to be introduced to any small dogs or cats in the family. Puppies will be puppies so any of the hairless brothers or sisters should be 5 or older and ok with a bit of crazy bamboo in their face! Above all, the biggest thing on my list is a home with people who treat their puppies like any other member of the family. Inside the home is where it’s at and I only go outside under protest. There are no couches or comfy big beds outside you know! My family will be one where me and the fur sibling are invited most places they go, spend the weekends going on family adventures and come home to a round of tug of war over a squeaky toy in the lounge room while the big people are trying to watch TV.